Strengthening Energy For Health, Sex and Intimacy
Using Eastern medicine as a foundation, I teach about the qualities and strengths of human energy as expressed both inside our bodies and in our interactions with others.

Strengthening Energy For Health, Sex and Intimacy
Using Eastern medicine as a foundation, I teach about the qualities and strengths of human energy as expressed both inside our bodies and in our interactions with others.


Health, Sex, and Intimacy Counseling
Executive Marriage Education
Speaking Engagements
Medical Practice

“The time-tested medical system that I practice regards all aspects of human health and behavior as being interconnected expressions of our essential energy or life force.”
Eastern medicine has been used more than any other system in human history. It is archaeologically documented to be thousands of years old and continually used since inception in increasing numbers of countries around the world. The US is among the last modernized nation(s) to employ its benefits.
A metaphor explaining human experience from the Eastern medicine view would be a “Four-Legged Table” with each leg representing a person’s body, mind, emotions and spirit. If I were to move any single leg of the table, all four would move because they are connected.
Likewise, if I increase the vitality, joy or health in any one of these aspects of someone’s life, I indirectly improve it in all four. This “interconnectedness of self” concept is thousands of years old and borne of Eastern medicine, the longest-running and most utilized medical system in human history.
By pairing this ancient wisdom with contemporary research and treatments, I am able to powerfully support a healthy balance for my audiences, clients and patients
(310) 822.2352
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